Sunday, August 01, 2010

"I am an entrepreneur" pledge

Just in case anyone has failed to understand the moral implications of craftsmanship and making, the following is something I found at the Maker Faire. Those who would want stronger values in schools, more effective work in character education, need look no further than the crafts... at the center of education and for all grade levels.

The Entrepreneur's Pledge

I am an entrepreneur.

I am following a dream, pursuing an opportunity, taking charge of my own destiny.

I am bringing something of value to society, making a job for myself and for others, and creating wealth that benefits my family, my community, my country, my world.

I am one of a movement of millions of entrepreneurs and innovators who made America great, and who will keep our economy going and growing.

I am what I am because many people have helped me along on this journey.


I will tell my story, sharing my successes and failures, so that others taking the entrepreneurial path can learn.

I will strive to mentor an aspiring entrepreneur.

I will make my voice heard by those who make policy decisions that affect me and my business.

I will appreciate and celebrate my accomplishments, and the accomplishments of all my fellow entrepreneurs.

I will give back to the society that helped me to be successful.

I will Build A Stronger America.
Take the pledge and join the Entrepreneurs' movement at

KAUFFMAN...The Foundation of Entrepreneurship

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    You really care Doug. Thanks, I added my name.

